When this legislative session kicked off in February, we had hopes that Oregon would be a beacon of justice, pushing back against draconian rollbacks to human and worker rights. We hoped Oregon would position itself to stand up to the Trump administration’s agenda of divisiveness and disinvestment in our communities. As the session comes to a close, we are fearful that our lawmakers will not rise to this challenge. 

Take action now and tell your legislators to take action before session ends.

These final days of session give lawmakers an opportunity to stand strong against hate and discrimination and to instead make Oregon a place that advances civil rights for people of color, women, LGBTQ communities, immigrants and refugees, and all our families.

We are calling on legislators to take action now and pass these five bills to provide economic opportunity to more Oregonians and give all of us a Fair Shot:

Cover All Kids (SB 558/HB 2726)

Provides health insurance to Oregon’s 18,000 uninsured kids who are overwhelmingly children of color and growing up in families that struggle to afford the basics. 

End Profiling (HB 2355)

Ends the harmful practice of police profiling by creating the right tools to adequately track profiling, the oversight to stop it when it occurs, and the training to prevent it from happening in the first place

Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance (HB 3087)

Ensures that we can all take time off from work to recover from illness, to care for a new baby or be there for a seriously ill family member in need—without losing our jobs or sacrificing much-needed income.

Reproductive Health Equity (HB 3391)

Empowers all Oregonians, regardless of income, citizenship status, gender identity, or type of insurance, to make their own decisions about whether and when to have children.

Stable Homes for All (HB 2004)

Protect the 4 in 10 Oregonians who rent their homes from being evicted without a reason and without recourse or legal protections. 

As the Trump administration and DC politicians push an agenda that jeopardizes our rights and divides our communities, we look to our local lawmakers in Salem to stand up for our values.

Now is the time for leadership. Please contact your legislator today and tell them you expect them to take action on these five bills before the session ends. 

AuthorChristine Saunders